Rediscover Ease
Manual & Mind-body
Therapies for Living
& Stress-free
Looking for lasting pain relief?
Look no further. We take a wide-angle approach to pain. An issue in one part of the body might be coming from weakness or dysfunction in another area. We take the time to assess the whole body and get to the bottom of the problem.
Want to build your health and immunity?
Even as we work on your specific areas of pain or discomfort, we address the whole body. Every session aims to restore your body’s overall health and immunity—helping all parts of the body to work together and optimizing the body’s own healing power.
Does a gentler touch sound appealing?
In our experience, gentle pressure is the most effective method of creating longer lasting and deeper adjustments. Light pressure specifically addresses the nervous system, which encodes the patterns of tension we hold throughout the body. Think of it as communicating with the body, rather than working with the tissues mechanically.
“Harry is truly a professional. I have been with him several years. Since I started my physical health has improved, I can think more clearly, and I am general more calm ands peaceful. Give Harry enough time and I believe you will have a similar experience.”
— CW