What people are saying.


“Harry was very skilled, gifted in his craft, very professional, and last but not least very effective.”

Estero, Florida

“Harry is one of the most gifted young healers I have encountered in my over decade in the healing industry. I first encountered him when a fall left my body battered. With the first placement of his hands, he intuitively was able to sense what areas of my body needed attention And within 2 sessions, I felt relief from my symptoms. I am so impressed with his gifts, I recommend him to all who I believe would benefit from his services.”

-Lisa Evans
Energy Healer, Clearing Life Energies
St Augustine, Florida

“Harry is a compassionate skilled healer. His energy and body work are very healing. I highly recommend him.”

— Robin Tucker

“I have always felt safe in his presence, a quality most important to me so I can let my guard down completely and allow for healing to happen.”

— Malika Rajan

“I suffer from Fibromyalgia...

Before my first Appointment with Harry and trying Craniosacral Therapy, I was virtually non existent. I was in constant pain, I had constant nerve spasms, numbness, headaches, cold sensitivity. I was bedridden most of the time, unable to be a parent or wife. I had been on several different medications to control my fibromyalgia symptoms, nothing worked.

My mom suggested I try Craniosacral Therapy. I had no idea what it was or how effective it would me. I left my first appointment feeling like a completely different person. I had less pain and actually had energy.
By my third appointment, I was completely pain free.

Over time I realized my nerves were no longer spasming, I was able to tolerate cold, I had stopped experiencing numbness and other symptoms I thought were normal, were completely gone.

When I first told my Rheumatologist she was hesitant to believe it was was from the Cranial Sacral Therapy. Within 6 months, she had taken me off of all medicine to treat my Fibromyalgia and was amazed at the the transformation from the person she had met at my first visit and the one standing in front of her. I left her office with a recommendation to continue Craniosacral therapy.

I was given my life back. I was able to be a mom and a wife and I had energy that I had never had before.

I could not be more thankful to have been I introduced to Craniosacral Therapy and to Harry. Or for his intuitive nature, passion for his craft and talent. It is a truly life changing experience.”

— Jessica Moseley


At Oceanside Healing Arts, we believe in the power of subtle changes to realign body structures and establish new patterns of movement and function. This gentle work can get your body back on track to optimal health and well-being.